Build Scheduling & Development Updates~

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Hey hey people. Let’s get right into it. With the major Character Creator issues now addressed, the sandbox is overdue for some attention.

Here’s what we have so far.

I’ve been heads down preparing the map, so that within a couple weeks’ time it will be added to the experimental branch and opened up for play.

Like our player character, as time goes on I will develop this map further, iterating on the design until I’m satisfied with the look and feel. Even though it’s just a test map, I intend for it to serve as an analogue for subsequent map designs and procedural generation. There’s not much to do just yet. At the moment it’s just a little map you may run around and explore. I may add some hidden elements here and there the map develops. We’ll see~

As of now, I’m putting together the in-game UI (inventory, HP, MP, Character Description, etc.), and handling environmental SFX. Following this, I feel it prudent the command and dialog systems be brought online so that I may once again produce item content. I foresee combat and enemy development taking a lot of energy so it would be wise to get those (command and dialog systems) out the way first.

More Character Creation Updates To Come

Updates to character creation won’t suddenly stop. There is more to come on that front, such as: 

  • Build save slots
  • Further improvements to character design
  • Additional outfits
  • Outfit color sets
  • Makeup 
  • Additional choices (blessings, curses)
  • Choice art
  • New hair styles
  • New brow styles
  • Preview poses

Recently, I’ve been experimenting with clothing. You may have noticed a new outfit at character creation. It’s not exactly what I have in mind for the final default starter outfit, but for now at least, it’s the new adventurer drip.

With this outfit I decided to lean a little more into that lined anime aesthetic, and it turned out rather nicely. The boots are as they were before so they look a little out of place, but as for the rest of the composition, I think it works well. I’d like to take this approach to style moving forward and will be updating the previous bits of apparel to match.

For this design I also had the idea of creating an overcoat, but it needs some more time in the oven.

There is much work to be done so I’ll try to keep those updates rolling as regularly as possible. Speaking of regularity~

Build Scheduling

At this point there’s a lot to keep track of so I’d like to have a go at establishing a more predictable build schedule. It’s been rather difficult to have anything approaching such given IRL work commitments, but structure is key to survival so let’s see how I do.

I’m going to shoot for a new public build every 3 weeks on Friday, and an experimental build on the Fridays in between (keeping them as in-dev snapshots).

General fixes will continue to come out asap, independent of any scheduling, and I may still put out the odd experimental off-schedule if I get a lot done or I want to show off an early snap of the public build before it goes live.

To view the upcoming release schedule and expected content see HERE. I’ve cleaned up the codecks so that it’s a little easier to navigate and will keep it updated as releases roll out.

With that said, I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I hope you look forward to this Friday and the Fridays after~

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